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When does the Call open?


On the 30th of April!

Is it possible to submit a proposal ensuing from an academic course?


As far as a project is a further elaboration of the final proposal developed within a course or a workshop, we believe it is fine; otherwise, we strongly recommend contacting the professors and tutors that supported the work and obtain their permission to use the material. Please, make sure no drawings or pictures are protected by copyright.

Is attendance at the series of talks that you are organising mandatory?


No. All the talks and lectures will be recorded, and the videos will be uploaded to the ENCOUNTERPOINTS website (section "materials").

Will the competition end with an exhibition of the projects?


The projects submitted will be displayed on the ENCOUNTERPOINTS website with a special focus on the awarded projects, which will be also presented in a printed book. The setting up of a "physical" exhibition will be up to the restrictions imposed by the pandemics.

The call recommends developing inclusive design solutions; still, the call itself is selective in fixing an age limit for the participants. Could the rule be reconsidered?


One of the reasons that suggested opening the competition to young designers and activists was the impossibility to fund and build the winning projects, but your remark is actually correct. Following your comment, we will withdraw from the age limit and extend the deadline to June 30th, 2021.

How does a team submit a proposal?


We invite you to send the material, once it will be complete, to the project e-mail address: encounterideas@polimi.it. In case the dimension of the files is too high to attach them directly to the e-mail, we suggest you use alternative systems such as Google Drive folders, Wetransfer or similar platforms. Still, please, send us an e-mail listing all the files you intend to submit.